
On 01.08.2018 15:28, Fabien COELHO wrote:

I couldn't find the documentation. Attached patch adds one.

Probably this function should have been named pg_*. Too late.

I think this is intentionally hidden function, like others started with acl*.

postgres=# \df acl*
List of fun
   Schema   |    Name     | Result data type |
 pg_catalog | aclcontains | boolean          | aclitem[], aclitem
 pg_catalog | acldefault  | aclitem[]        | "char", oid
 pg_catalog | aclexplode  | SETOF record     | acl aclitem[], OUT grantor oid, O
 pg_catalog | aclinsert   | aclitem[]        | aclitem[], aclitem
 pg_catalog | aclitemeq   | boolean          | aclitem, aclitem
 pg_catalog | aclitemin   | aclitem          | cstring
 pg_catalog | aclitemout  | cstring          | aclitem
 pg_catalog | aclremove   | aclitem[]        | aclitem[], aclitem

Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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