2018-08-23 10:17 GMT+02:00 Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr>:

> Hello Pavel,
> 2. holding some session based informations, that can be used in security
>> definer functions.
> Hmmm, I see our disagreement. My point is that this feature is *NOT* fit
> for security-related uses because if the transaction fails the variable
> would keep the value it had if the transaction had not failed...
> 3. Because it is not transactional, then it allows write operation on read
> It is not transactional safe, but it is secure in sense a possibility to
>> set a access rights.
> This is a misleading play on words. It is secure wrt to access right, but
> unsecure wrt security purposes which is the only point for having such a
> feature in the first place.
> I understand, so some patterns are not possible, but when you need hold
>> some keys per session, then this simply solution can be good enough.
> Security vs "good enough in some cases" looks bad to me.

We don't find a agreement, because you are concentrated on transation, me
on session. And we have different expectations.

> I think it is possible for some more complex patterns,
> I'm not sure of any pattern which would be correct wrt security if it
> depends on the success of a transaction.
> but then developer should be smarter, and should to enocode state result
>> to content of variable.
> I do not see how the developer can be smarter if they need a transactional
> for security but they do not have it.
> There is strong benefit - read write access to variables is very cheap and
>> fast.
> I'd say that PostgreSQL is about "ACID & security" first, not "cheap &
> fast" first.
> I invite any patch to doc (or everywhere) with explanation and about
>> possible risks.
> Hmmm... You are the one proposing the feature...
> Here is something, thanks for adjusting it to the syntax you are proposing
> and inserting it where appropriate. Possibly in the corresponding CREATE
> doc?
> """
> <caution>
> <par>
> Beware that session variables are not transactional.
> This is a concern in a security context where the variable must be set to
> some trusted value depending on the success of the transaction:
> if the transaction fails, the variable keeps its trusted value unduly.
> </par>
> <par>
> For instance, the following pattern does NOT work:
> <programlisting>
> CREATE USER auditer;
> SET ROLE auditer;
> -- ensure that only "auditer" can write "is_audited":
> -- create an audit function
>   -- record the session and checks in some place...
>   -- then tell it was done:
>   LET is_audited = TRUE;
> $$;
> -- the intention is that other security definier functions can check that
> -- the session is audited by checking on "is_audited", eg:
> CREATE FUNCTION only_for_audited(...) SECURITY DEFINER AS $$
>   IF NOT is_audited THEN RAISE "security error";
>   -- do protected stuff here.
> $$;
> </programlisting>
> The above pattern can be attacked with the following approach:
> <programlisting>
> SELECT audit_session(...);
> -- success, "is_audited" is set...
> -- the audit login has been reverted, but "is_audited" retains its value.
> -- any subsequent operation believes wrongly that the session is audited,
> -- but its logging has really been removed by the ROLLBACK.
> -- ok but should not:
> SELECT only_for_audited(...);
> </programlisting>
> </par>
> </caution>
> """
It is good example of not supported pattern. It is not designed for this.
I'll merge this doc.

Note: I am not sure, if I have all relations to described issue, but if I
understand well, then solution can be reset on transaction end, maybe reset
on rollback. This is solvable, I'll look how it is complex.

> For the record, I'm "-1" on this feature as proposed, for what it's worth,
> because of the misleading security implications. This feature would just
> help people have their security wrong.

I respect your opinion - and I hope so integration of your proposed doc is
good warning for users that would to use not transactional variable like
transactional source.



> --
> Fabien.

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