Security vs "good enough in some cases" looks bad to me.

We don't find a agreement, because you are concentrated on transation, me on session. And we have different expectations.

I do not understand your point, as usual. I raise a factual issue about security, and you do not answer how this can be solved with your proposal, but appeal to argument of authority and declare your "strong opinion".

I do not see any intrinsic opposition between having session objects and transactions. Nothing prevents a session object to be transactional beyond your willingness that it should not be.

Now, I do expect all PostgreSQL features to be security-wise, whatever their scope.

I do not think that security should be traded for "cheap & fast", esp as the sole use case for a feature is a security pattern that cannot be implemented securely with it. This appears to me as a huge contradiction, hence my opposition against this feature as proposed.

The good news is that I'm a nobody: if a committer is happy with your patch, it will get committed, you do not need my approval.


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