On 14/12/2018 01:14, Stephen Frost wrote:
>>>> reindex table CONCURRENTLY test;
>> By the way, does this syntax make sense?  I haven't seen a discussion on
>> this anywhere in the various threads.  I keep thinking that
>>     reindex concurrently table test;
>> would make more sense.  How about in combination with (verbose)?
> I don't think it's a mistake that we have 'create index concurrently'
> and it certainly would seem odd to me for 'create index' and 'reindex
> table' to be different.
> Certainly, from my recollection of english, you'd say "I am going to
> reindex the table concurrently", you wouldn't say "I am going to
> reindex concurrently the table."
> Based on at least a quick looking around, the actual grammar rule seems
> to match my recollection[1], adverbs should typically go AFTER the
> verb + object, and the adverb shouldn't ever be placed between the verb
> and the object.

So it would be grammatical to say

    reindex table test concurrently

or in a pinch

    reindex concurrently table test

but I don't see anything grammatical about

    reindex table concurrently test

(given that the object is "table test").

Where this gets really messy is stuff like this:

    reindex (verbose) database concurrently postgres

Why would "concurrently" not be part of the options next to "verbose"?

Peter Eisentraut              http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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