On 09/04/2019 18:00, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
On 09.04.2019 17:09, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
standard Postgres heap and my VOPS extension.
As test data I used TPC-H benchmark (actually only one lineitem table
generated with tpch-dbgen utility with scale factor 10 (~8Gb database).
I attached script which I have use to populate data (you have to to
download, build and run tpch-dbgen yourself, also you can comment code
related with VOPS).

Cool, thanks!

Unfortunately I failed to load data in zedstore:

postgres=# insert into zedstore_lineitem_projection (select
from lineitem);
psql: ERROR:  compression failed. what now?
Time: 237804.775 ms (03:57.805)

Yeah, it's still early days, it will crash and burn in a lot of cases. We wanted to publish this early, to gather ideas and comments on the high level design, and to validate that the table AM API that's in v12 is usable.

Looks like the original problem was caused by internal postgres
compressor: I have not configured Postgres to use lz4.
When I configured Postgres --with-lz4, data was correctly inserted in
zedstore table, but looks it is not compressed at all:

postgres=# select pg_relation_size('zedstore_lineitem_projection');

The single-insert codepath isn't very optimized yet. If you populate the table with large "INSERT ... SELECT ...", you end up with a huge undo log. Try loading it with COPY.

You can also see how many pages of each type there is with:

select count(*), pg_zs_page_type('zedstore_lineitem_projection', g)
from generate_series(0, pg_table_size('zedstore_lineitem_projection') / 8192 - 1) g group by 2;

- Heikki

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