On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 11:51 AM Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> This is not surprising, considering that columnar store is precisely the
> reason for starting the work on table AMs.
> We should certainly look into integrating some sort of columnar storage
> in mainline.  Not sure which of zedstore or VOPS is the best candidate,
> or maybe we'll have some other proposal.  My feeling is that having more
> than one is not useful; if there are optimizations to one that can be
> borrowed from the other, let's do that instead of duplicating effort.

I think that conclusion may be premature.  There seem to be a bunch of
different ways of doing columnar storage, so I don't know how we can
be sure that one size will fit all, or that the first thing we accept
will be the best thing.

Of course, we probably do not want to accept a ton of storage manager
implementations is core.  I think if people propose implementations
that are poor quality, or missing important features, or don't have
significantly different use cases from the ones we've already got,
it's reasonable to reject those.  But I wouldn't be prepared to say
that if we have two significantly different column store that are both
awesome code with a complete feature set and significantly disjoint
use cases, we should reject the second one just because it is also a
column store.  I think that won't get out of control because few
people will be able to produce really high-quality implementations.

This stuff is hard, which I think is also why we only have 6.5 index
AMs in core after many, many years.  And our standards have gone up
over the years - not all of those would pass muster if they were
proposed today.

BTW, can I express a small measure of disappointment that the name for
the thing under discussion on this thread chose to be called
"zedstore"?  That seems to invite confusion with "zheap", especially
in parts of the world where the last letter of the alphabet is
pronounced "zed," where people are going to say zed-heap and
zed-store. Brr.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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