Hi Thomas and David,

Thanks for the feedback !

On 7/2/19 8:27 AM, David Rowley wrote:
On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 21:00, Thomas Munro <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:
I took this for a quick spin today.  The DISTINCT ON support is nice
and I think it will be very useful.  I've signed up to review it and
will have more to say later.  But today I had a couple of thoughts
after looking into how src/backend/optimizer/plan/planagg.c works and
wondering how to do some more skipping tricks with the existing

1.  SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT i) FROM t could benefit from this.  (Or
AVG(DISTINCT ...) or any other aggregate).  Right now you get a seq
scan, with the sort/unique logic inside the Aggregate node.  If you
write SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT i FROM t) ss then you get
a skip scan that is much faster in good cases.  I suppose you could
have a process_distinct_aggregates() in planagg.c that recognises
queries of the right form and generates extra paths a bit like
build_minmax_path() does.  I think it's probably better to consider
that in the grouping planner proper instead.  I'm not sure.

I think to make that happen we'd need to do a bit of an overhaul in
nodeAgg.c to allow it to make use of presorted results instead of
having the code blindly sort rows for each aggregate that has a
DISTINCT or ORDER BY.  The planner would also then need to start
requesting paths with pathkeys that suit the aggregate and also
probably dictate the order the AggRefs should be evaluated to allow
all AggRefs to be evaluated that can be for each sort order.  Once
that part is done then the aggregates could then also request paths
with certain "UniqueKeys" (a feature I mentioned in [1]), however we'd
need to be pretty careful with that one since there may be other parts
of the query that require that all rows are fed in, not just 1 row per
value of "i", e.g SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT i) FROM t WHERE z > 0; can't
just feed through 1 row for each "i" value, since we need only the
ones that have "z > 0".  Getting the first part of this solved is much
more important than making skip scans work here, I'd say. I think we
need to be able to walk before we can run with DISTINCT  / ORDER BY

I agree that the above is outside of scope for the first patch -- I think the goal should be the simple use-cases for IndexScan and IndexOnlyScan.

Maybe we should expand [1] with possible cases, so we don't lose track of the ideas.

2.  SELECT i, MIN(j) FROM t GROUP BY i could benefit from this if
you're allowed to go forwards.  Same for SELECT i, MAX(j) FROM t GROUP
BY i if you're allowed to go backwards.  Those queries are equivalent
(though as Floris noted, the backwards version gives the wrong answers
with v20).  That does seem like a much more specific thing applicable
only to MIN and MAX, and I think preprocess_minmax_aggregates() could
be taught to handle that sort of query, building an index only scan
path with skip scan in build_minmax_path().

For the MIN query you just need a path with Pathkeys: { i ASC, j ASC
}, UniqueKeys: { i, j }, doing the MAX query you just need j DESC.


The more I think about these UniqueKeys, the more I think they need to
be a separate concept to PathKeys. For example, UniqueKeys: { x, y }
should be equivalent to { y, x }, but with PathKeys, that's not the
case, since the order of each key matters. UniqueKeys equivalent
version of pathkeys_contained_in() would not care about the order of
individual keys, it would say things like, { a, b, c } is contained in
{ b, a }, since if the path is unique on columns { b, a } then it must
also be unique on { a, b, c }.

I'm looking at this, and will keep this in mind.

Thanks !

[1] https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Loose_indexscan

Best regards,

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