On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 12:04 PM Alexander Korotkov
<a.korot...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
> (0001-Fix-deadlock-between-ginDeletePage-and-ginStepRigh-3.patch)

Some thoughts on the first patch:

* How do comparisons of items in each type of B-Tree work?

I would like to see a statement about invariants similar to nbtree's
"subtree" invariant. Looks like the "high key" is <= (not <) in each
case (i.e. for both entry trees and posting trees), just like nbtree.
nbtree has an explicit high key rather than using the current highest
data item on the page (maybe this can be called a "pseudo high key" or
something). That is one important difference, but in general GIN seems
to copy nbtree. I think.

However, GIN never explains stuff that must be affected by invariants
in binary search routines like entryLocateLeafEntry() and
dataLocateItem(). GIN never makes the similarities and differences
clear. Maybe you could do more on that -- it's too hard to tell why
entryLocateLeafEntry() and entryLocateEntry() (i.e. leaf and internal
page binary search variants for entry B-Trees) do things differently
to each other (and do things differently to nbtree's binary search

This code from entryLocateEntry() is a good example of how this can be

        if (result == 0)
            stack->off = mid;
            Assert(GinGetDownlink(itup) != GIN_ROOT_BLKNO);
            return GinGetDownlink(itup);
        else if (result > 0)
            low = mid + 1;
            high = mid;

Some questions about this code:

* Why is the "if (result == 0)" branch using the block number/downlink
from the "mid" tuple as its return value?

Why not follow nbtree's _bt_binsrch() here too, by returning "the last
key < scan key" on internal pages? If your high key from one level
down is <=, and also a pseudo high key (i.e. both a "real" entry and a
high key), how can it be correct to go to the block/downlink from an
equal "mid" tuple like this? Won't that make index scans miss the
pseudo high key, which they have to return to the scan?

* Why is it okay that there is no "negative infinity" item in internal
pages for the entry tree?

GIN does not have to copy nbtree in every detail to be correct, but it
confuses me that it *mostly* copies nbtree, but doesn't do so *fully*.
As I wrote just now (or at least implied), entryIsMoveRight() works in
a similar way to _bt_moveright(), and yet we still have these apparent
differences with how binary searches work that seems to not be
compatible with that. Maybe this is okay, but I cannot understand why
that is right now. It looks wrong to me -- so wrong that I suppose I
must be mistaken.

I also spotted some fairly minor issues:

* s/rightest/rightmost/

*  It's weird that GinBtree/GinBtreeData is a set of callbacks for
both posting trees and main entry trees, since the rules are now quite
different in each case. Not sure if it's worth saying something about

*  "Exclusive lock" makes me think of "ExclusiveLock", which is a kind
of heavyweight lock (not a buffer lock). I suggest changing that
wording to avoid confusion.

In general, it seems very important to be clear about exactly how the
key space works. The nbtree work for v12 greatly benefitted from
defining comparisons in a way that didn't really change how nbtree
worked, while at the same time minimizing I/O and making nbtree
faithful to Lehman & Yao's original design. It isn't obvious how
valuable it is to really carefully define how invariants and key
comparisons work, but it seems possible to solve a lot of problems
that way.

Peter Geoghegan

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