Zhenghua Lyu <z...@pivotal.io> writes:
>> I think a more robust way to disable forbidden plan types would be to
>> handle the disabling in add_path(). Instead of having a high disable cost
>> on the Path itself, the comparison add_path() would always consider
>> disabled paths as more expensive than others, regardless of the cost.

Getting rid of disable_cost would be a nice thing to do, but I would
rather not do it by adding still more complexity to add_path(), not
to mention having to bloat Paths with a separate "disabled" marker.

The idea that I've been thinking about is to not generate disabled
Paths in the first place, thus not only fixing the problem but saving
some cycles.  While this seems easy enough for "optional" paths,
we have to reserve the ability to generate certain path types regardless,
if there's no other way to implement the query.  This is a bit of a
stumbling block :-(.  At the base relation level, we could do something
like generating seqscan last, and only if no other path has been
successfully generated.  But I'm not sure how to scale that up to
joins.  In particular, imagine that we consider joining A to B, and
find that the only way is a nestloop, so we generate a nestloop join
despite that being nominally disabled.  The next join level would
then see that as an available path, and it might decide that
((A nestjoin B) join C) is the cheapest choice, even though there
might have been a way to do, say, ((A join C) join B) with no use of
nestloops.  Users would find this surprising.

Maybe the only way to do this is a separate number-of-uses-of-
disabled-plan-types cost figure in Paths, but I still don't want
to go there.  The number of cases where disable_cost's shortcomings
really matter is too small to justify that, IMHO.

                        regards, tom lane

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