Hello Justin,

Ok, so this suggests recursing into subdirs, which requires to make a
separate function of the inner loop.

Yea, it suggests that; but, SRF_RETURN_NEXT doesn't make that very easy.
It'd need to accept the fcinfo argument, and pg_ls_dir_files would call it once
for every tuple to be returned.  So it's recursive and saves its state...

The attached is pretty ugly, but I can't see how to do better.

Hmmm… I do agree with pretty ugly:-)

If it really neads to be in the structure, why not save the open directory field in the caller and restore it after the recursive call, and pass the rest of the structure as a pointer? Something like:

  ... root_function(...)
     struct status_t status = initialization();
     call rec_function(&status, path)

  ... rec_function(struct *status, path)
     status->dir = opendir(path);
     for (dir contents)
        if (it_is_a_dir)
             /* some comment about why we do that… */
             dir_t saved = status->dir;
             status->dir = NULL;
             rec_function(status, subpath);
             status->dir = saved;
    closedir(status->dir), status->dir = NULL;

The alternative seems to be to build up a full list of pathnames in the SRF
initial branch, and stat them all later.  Or stat them all in the INITIAL case,
and keep a list of stat structures to be emited during future calls.


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