Hello Tom,

I do not think it is a good idea, because help output is quite large,
there are many of them, and we should certainly not want it stored
repeatedly in output files for diffs.

Hm, I don't follow --- we are most certainly not going to exercise
\help for every possible SQL keyword, that'd just be silly.

I am silly.

Price is pretty low, it helps with coverage in "sql_help.c, it checks that the help files returns adequate results so that adding new help contents does not hide existing stuff. I do not see why we should not do it, in TAP tests.

The alternative is that the project tolerates substandard test coverage. The "psql" command is currently around 40-44%.

Having said that, the fact that \help now includes a version-dependent
URL in its output is probably enough to break the idea of testing it
with a conventional expected-output test, so maybe TAP is the only
way for that.

The URL is a good thing, though.


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