Robert Haas <> writes:
> AFAICS, the only options to make that work with JSON are (1) introduce
> a new hand-coded JSON parser designed for frontend operation, (2) add
> a dependency on an external JSON parser that we can use from frontend
> code, or (3) adapt the existing JSON parser used in the backend so
> that it can also be used in the frontend.
> ...  I'd
> be willing to do (3) if somebody could explain to me how to solve the
> problems with porting that code to work on the frontend side, but the
> only suggestion so far as to how to do that is to port memory
> contexts, elog/report, and presumably encoding handling to work on the
> frontend side. That seems to me to be an unreasonably large lift,

Yeah, agreed.  The only consideration that'd make that a remotely
sane idea is that if somebody did the work, there would be other
uses for it.  (One that comes to mind immediately is cleaning up
ecpg's miserably-maintained fork of the backend datetime code.)

But there's no denying that it would be a large amount of work
(if it's even feasible), and nobody has stepped up to volunteer.
It's not reasonable to hold up this particular feature waiting
for that to happen.

If a tab-delimited file can handle this requirement, that seems
like a sane choice to me.

                        regards, tom lane

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