> On Jan 22, 2020, at 10:53 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 0004 is a substantially cleaned up version of the patch to make the
> JSON parser return a result code rather than throwing errors. Names
> have been fixed, interfaces have been tidied up, and the thing is
> better integrated with the surrounding code. I would really like
> comments, if anyone has them, on whether this approach is acceptable.
> 0005 builds on 0004 by moving three functions from jsonapi.c to
> jsonfuncs.c. With that done, jsonapi.c has minimal remaining
> dependencies on the backend environment. It would still need a
> substitute for elog(ERROR, "some internal thing is broken"); I'm
> thinking of using pg_log_fatal() for that case. It would also need a
> fix for the problem that pg_mblen() is not available in the front-end
> environment. I don't know what to do about that yet exactly, but it
> doesn't seem unsolvable. The frontend environment just needs to know
> which encoding to use, and needs a way to call PQmblen() rather than
> pg_mblen().

I have completed the work in the attached 0006 and 0007 patches.
These are intended to apply after your 0004 and 0005; they won’t
work directly on master which, as of this writing, only contains your
0001-0003 patches.

0006 finishes moving the json parser to src/include/common and src/common.

0007 adds testing.

I would appreciate somebody looking at the portability issues for 0007
on Windows.

Mark Dilger
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Attachment: v4-0006-Relocating-jsonapi-to-common.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: v4-0007-Adding-frontend-tests-for-json-parser.patch
Description: Binary data

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