One nitpick:

Around this hunk:

- * unicode_normalize_kc - Normalize a Unicode string to NFKC form.
+ * unicode_normalize - Normalize a Unicode string to the specified form.
  * The input is a 0-terminated array of codepoints.
@@ -304,8 +306,10 @@ decompose_code(pg_wchar code, pg_wchar **result, int
  * string is palloc'd instead, and OOM is reported with ereport().

The comment in full says:

 * unicode_normalize - Normalize a Unicode string to the specified form.      
 * The input is a 0-terminated array of codepoints.                           
 * In frontend, returns a 0-terminated array of codepoints, allocated with    
 * malloc. Or NULL if we run out of memory. In frontend, the returned         
 * string is palloc'd instead, and OOM is reported with ereport().            

It looks like the 2nd occurrence of "frontend" was meant to be "backend".

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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