Hi Kalvin,

On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 03:07:13AM -0700, Kalvin Eng wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am potentially interested in the performance farm project listed here:
> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/GSoC_2020#Develop_Performance_Farm_Benchmarks_and_Website_.282020.29
> I've applied to the pgperffarm mailing list as well, but am waiting for
> moderator approval so I thought this list would be the best to ask about
> the performance farm code.
> Here are the questions based on the
> https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgperffarm.git;a=summary repo:
>    - Why is a front end framework used instead of django templates?

I don't have a good answer for this, primarily because my knowledge on
the difference is weak...

>    - Any reason why the server hasn't been containerized?

Simply because no effort has been put into it yet.  Are you thinking for
ease of demoing or evaluating?

>    - Django 1.11 will no longer be supported in April 2020, is it time to
>    move to 2.2 LTS? (
>    https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions)

We want to match the same version the community infrastructure uses, so
yes, if that's the version they will be on.

>    - What have been the issues with authentication integration to
>    postgresql.org?

There is a custom authentication module that doesn't work outside of the
community infrastructure, and this project has been developed outside of
the community infrastructure.  We haven't come up with a way to bridge
that gap yet.

>    - Should the client be turned into a package for package managers (e.g.
>    pypi, DPKG, brew, etc.)?

I think that would be a plus.

>    - The project description mentions refactoring to Python 3, but it seems
>    like that was completed last GSoC?

Yeah, I think that's been squared away...

>    - Should the performance visualizations be added again?

Yes, that would good to have.

> I've also looked at past mailing lists for this project, but am interested
> in hearing current insights from the community:
>    -
> https://www.postgresql-archive.org/GSoC-2019-report-amp-feedback-td6100606.html
>    -
> https://www.postgresql-archive.org/GSoC-2019-Proposal-Develop-Performance-Farm-Database-and-Website-td6079058.html
>    -
> https://www.postgresql-archive.org/GSoC-Summery-of-pg-performance-farm-td6034578.html
>    -
> https://www.postgresql-archive.org/GSOC-18-Performance-Farm-Project-Initialization-Project-td6010380.html
>    -
> https://www.postgresql-archive.org/GSOC-18-Performance-Farm-Project-td6008120.html
>    - https://www.postgresql-archive.org/performance-test-farm-td4388584.html


Mark Wong
2ndQuadrant - PostgreSQL Solutions for the Enterprise

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