Hello Justin,

 psql> SELECT * FROM pg_ls_dir_recurse('.');
 ERROR:  could not stat file 
 Too many levels of symbolic links
 CONTEXT:  SQL function "pg_ls_dir_recurse" statement 1

This probably means using lstat instead of (in supplement to?) stat, and
probably tell if something is a link, and if so not recurse in them.

Thanks for looking.

I think that opens up a can of worms.  I don't want to go into the business of
re-implementing all of find(1) - I count ~128 flags (most of which take
arguments).  You're referring to find -L vs find -P, and some people would want
one and some would want another.  And don't forget about find -H...

This is not the point. The point is that a link can change a finite tree into cyclic graph, and you do not want to delve into that, ever.

The "find" command, by default, does not recurse into a link because of said problem, and the user *must* ask for it and assume the infinite loop if any.

So if you implement one behavior, it should be not recursing into links. Franckly, I would not provide the recurse into link alternative, but it could be implemented if someone wants it, and the problem that come with it.

pg_stat_file doesn't expose the file type (I guess because it's not portable?),

You are right that Un*x and Windows are not the same wrt link. It seems that there is already something about that in port:

  "./src/port/dirmod.c:pgwin32_is_junction(const char *path)"

So most of the details are already hidden.

and I think it's outside the scope of this patch to change that.  Maybe it
suggests that the pg_ls_dir_recurse patch should be excluded.

IMHO, I really think that it should be included. Dealing with links is no big deal, but you need an additional column in _metadata to tell it is a link, and there is a ifdef because testing is a little different between unix and windows. I'd guess around 10-20 lines of code added.

ISTM if someone wants to recursively list a directory, they should avoid
putting cycles there, or permission errors, or similar.

Hmmm. I'd say the user should like to be able to call the function and never have a bad experience with it such as a failure on an infinite loop.

Or they should write their own C extension that borrows from pg_ls_dir_files but handles more arguments.

ISTM that the point of your patch is to provide the basic tool needed to list directories contents, and handling links somehow is a necessary part of that.


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