Isaac Morland <> writes:
> - showing the signature like this is interesting. For a moment I was
> wondering why it doesn’t say, for example, "interval → interval → interval”
> then I remembered this is Postgres, not Haskell. On the one hand, I like
> putting the signature like this; on the other, I don’t like that the return
> type is in a different place in each one. Could it be split into the same
> two columns as the example(s); first column inputs, second column results?

We tried that in an earlier iteration (see the referenced thread).  It
doesn't work very well because you end up having to allocate the max
amount of space for any result type or example result on every line.
Giving up the separate cell for return type is a lot of what makes this

> - another possibility for the parameters: list each one on a separate line,
> together with default (if applicable). Maybe that would be excessively
> tall, but it would sure make completely clear just exactly how many
> parameters there are and never wrap (well, maybe on a phone, but we can
> only do so much).

Since so few built-in functions have default parameters, that's going to
waste an awful lot of space in most cases.  I actually ended up removing
the explicit "default" clauses from make_interval (which is the only
function with defaults that I dealt with so far) and instead explained
that they all default to zero in the text description, because that took
way less space.

> - for the various current-time-related functions (age, current_time, etc.),
> rather than saying “variable”, could it be the actual result with “now”
> being taken to be a specific fixed time within the year in which the
> documentation was generated? This would be really helpful for example with
> being clear that current_time is only the time of day with no date.

Yeah, I've been waffling about that.  On the one hand, we regularly get
docs complaints from people who say "I tried this example and I didn't
get the claimed result".  On the other hand you could figure that
everybody should understand that current_timestamp won't work like that
... but the first such example in the table is age() for which that
automatic understanding might not apply.

The examples down in 9.9.4 use a specific time, which is looking pretty
long in the tooth right now, and no one has complained --- but that's
in a context where it's absolutely plain that every mentioned function
is going to have a time-varying result.

On the whole I'm kind of leaning to going back to using a specific time.
But that's a detail that's not very relevant to the bigger picture here.
(No, I'm not going to try to make it update every year; too much work
for too little reward.)

> - I think there should be much more distinctive lines between the different
> functions. As it is the fact that the table is groups of 3 lines doesn’t
> jump out at the eye.

I don't know any easy way to do that.  We do already have the grouping
visible in the first column...

                        regards, tom lane

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