"David G. Johnston" <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> writes:
> Can we lightly background color every other rowgroup (i.e., "greenbar")?

If you know how to do that at all, let alone in a maintainable way (ie
one where inserting a new function doesn't require touching the entries
for the ones after), let's see it.  I agree it'd be a nice solution,
if we could make it work, but I don't see how.  I'd been imagining
instead that we could give a different background color to the first
line of each group; which I don't know how to do but it at least seems
plausible that a style could be attached to a <spanspec>.

> I don't think having a separate Result column helps.  The additional
> horizontal whitespace distances all relevant context information (at least
> on a wide monitor).  Having the example rows mirror the Signature row seems
> like an easier to consume choice.

Interesting idea.  I'm afraid that it would not look so great in cases
where the example-plus-result overflows one line, which would inevitably
happen in PDF format.  Still, maybe that would be rare enough to not be
a huge problem.  In most places it'd be a win to not have to separately
allocate example and result space.

                        regards, tom lane

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