On 4/13/20 1:13 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> As discussed in the thread at [1], I've been working on redesigning
> the tables we use to present SQL functions and operators.  The
> first installment of that is now up; see tables 9.30 and 9.31 at
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/functions-datetime.html
> and table 9.33 at
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/functions-enum.html
> Before I spend more time on this, I want to make sure that people
> are happy with this line of attack.  Comparing these tables to
> the way they look in v12, they clearly take more vertical space;
> but at least to my eye they're less cluttered and more readable.
> They definitely scale a lot better for cases where a long function
> description is needed, or where we'd like to have more than one
> example.  Does anyone prefer the old way, or have a better idea?
> I know that the table headings are a bit weirdly laid out; hopefully
> that can be resolved [2].

> [2] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/6169.1586794603%40sss.pgh.pa.us

When evaluating [2], I will admit at first I was very confused about the
layout and wasn't exactly sure what you were saying was incorrect in
that note. After fixing [2] on my local copy, I started to look at it again.

For positives, I do think it's an improvement for readability on mobile.
Flow/content aside, it was easier to read and follow what was going on
and there was less side scrolling.

I think one thing that was throwing me off was having the function
signature before the description. I would recommend flipping them: have
the function description first, followed by signature, followed be
examples. I think that follows the natural flow more of what one is
doing when they look up the function.

I think that would also benefit larger tables too: instead of having to
scroll up to understand how things are laid out, it'd follow said flow.

There are probably some things we can do with shading on the pgweb side
to make items more distinguishable, I don't think that would be too
terrible to add.

Thinking out loud, it'd also be great if we could add in some anchors as
well, so perhaps in the future on the pgweb side we could add in some
discoverable links that other documentation has -- which in turn people
could click / link to others directly to the function name.

Anyway, change is hard. I'm warming up to it.


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