On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 2:47 PM Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:

> This would presumably be for the exclusive API as a way to make it not
> completely broken, maybe.
> If we wanted to try and make this work in a non-exclusive manner then
> we'd need to do something like have the user save some info out at
> pg_start_backup time that they then provide at pg_stop_backup time, so
> we can match up the specific backup and write the appropriate WAL
> message.

We don't even need to make it an exclusive mode -- we can allow
*nonexclusive* backups but remove the requirement to run start and stop
backup in the same connection, which I believe is the problem that people
have with the exclusive mode. So how about something like this:

1. Make pg_start_backup() return the backup label file as well. We can add
an extra column to the output without breaking backwards compatibility. And
since we have all the information for the file at pg_start_backup() time,
the user can then write that into the backup. We clearly document that this
should *not* be written as "backup_label" in the data directory. We can
even define what it should be instead.

2. Make pg_start_backup() also return a "cookie" value with a
unique identifier if asked to run in "disconnectable mode". Store this
identifier in shared state somewhere in the backend.

3. Make a version of pg_stop_backup that takes this cookie as a parameter,
and that way supports stopping a "disconnectable backup".

4. Scream loudly in the logs if we shut down postgres with any open
"disconnectable backups" in progress. (to let people know they screwed up)

5. Perhaps provide a row in pg_stat_progress_basebackup, or in it's own
view, to show these "disconnectable mode backups"?
5b. In fact, maybe provide something like that for the current
non-exclusive ones as well, in case people have hung sessions.

The weak spot in this is still the "don't write it as backup label", but we
can document that. And that would allow us to do non-exclusive base backups
without requiring maintaining the connection. And we can completely get rid
of the exclusive ones.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: https://www.hagander.net/ <http://www.hagander.net/>
 Work: https://www.redpill-linpro.com/ <http://www.redpill-linpro.com/>

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