On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 07:58:02AM -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> After much frustration and gnashing of teeth here's a patch that allows
> almost all the TAP tests involving symlinks to work as expected on all
> Windows build environments, without requiring an additional Perl module.
> I have tested this on a system that is very similar to that running
> drongo and fairywren, with both msys2 and MSVC builds.

Thanks Andrew for looking at the part with MSYS.  The tests pass for
me with MSVC.  The trick with mklink is cool.  I have not considered
that, and the test code gets simpler.

+       my $cmd = qq{mklink /j "$newname" "$oldname"};
+       if ($Config{osname} eq 'msys')
+       {
+           # need some indirection on msys
+           $cmd = qq{echo '$cmd' | \$COMSPEC /Q};
+       }
+       note("dir_symlink cmd: $cmd");
+       system($cmd);
From the quoting perspective, wouldn't it be simpler to build an array
with all those arguments and call system() with @cmd?

+# Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored
+# in a tablespace.
+my @tempRelationFiles = qw(t888_888 t888888_888888_vm.1);
This variable conflicts with a previous declaration, creating a

+   skip "symlink check not implemented on Windows", 1
+     if ($windows_os);
    opendir(my $dh, "$pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die;
I think that this would be cleaner with a SKIP block.

+Portably create a symlink for a director. On Windows this creates a junction.
+Elsewhere it just calls perl's builtin symlink.
s/junction/junction point/

     The TAP tests require the Perl module <literal>IPC::Run</literal>.
     This module is available from CPAN or an operating system package.
+    On Windows, <literal>Win32API::File</literal> is also required .
This part should be backpatched IMO.

Some of the indentation is weird, this needs a cleanup with perltidy.

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