Hello Ajin.

I have gone through the v10 patches to verify if and how my previous
v6 review comments got addressed.

Some issues remain, and there are a few newly introduced ones.

Mostly it is all very minor stuff.

Please find my revised review comments below.

Kind Regards.
Peter Smith
Fujitsu Australia



Patch v10-0001, File: contrib/test_decoding/test_decoding.c

Line 285
+ {
+ errno = 0;
+ data->check_xid_aborted = (TransactionId)
+ strtoul(strVal(elem->arg), NULL, 0);
+ if (!TransactionIdIsValid(data->check_xid_aborted))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("check-xid-aborted is not a valid xid: \"%s\"",
+ strVal(elem->arg))));
+ }

I think it is risky to assign strtoul directly to the
check_xid_aborted member because it makes some internal assumption
that the invalid transaction is the same as the error return from

Maybe better to do in 2 steps like below:

errno = 0;
data->check_xid_aborted = (TransactionId)strtoul(strVal(elem->arg), NULL, 0);

long xid;
errno = 0;
xid = strtoul(strVal(elem->arg), NULL, 0);
if (xid == 0 || errno != 0)
data->check_xid_aborted =  InvalidTransactionId;
data->check_xid_aborted =(TransactionId)xid;


Line 430
+/* ABORT PREPARED callback */
+static void
+pg_decode_rollback_prepared_txn(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx,
ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
+ XLogRecPtr abort_lsn)


Patch v10-0001, File: doc/src/sgml/logicaldecoding.sgml

Section 48.6.1
An output plugin may also define functions to support streaming of
large, in-progress transactions. The stream_start_cb, stream_stop_cb,
stream_abort_cb, stream_commit_cb and stream_change_cb are required,
while stream_message_cb, stream_prepare_cb, stream_commit_prepared_cb,
stream_rollback_prepared_cb and stream_truncate_cb are optional.

An output plugin may also define functions to support two-phase
commits, which are decoded on PREPARE TRANSACTION. The prepare_cb,
commit_prepared_cb and rollback_prepared_cb callbacks are required,
while filter_prepare_cb is optional.


But is that correct? It seems strange/inconsistent to say that the 2PC
callbacks are mandatory for the non-streaming, but that they are
optional for streaming.


COMMENT "Transaction Prepare Callback" "Transaction Commit Prepared Callback" "Transaction Rollback Prepared Callback"

There seems some confusion about what is optional and what is
mandatory. e.g. Why are the non-stream 2PC callbacks mandatory but the
stream 2PC callbacks are not? And also there is some inconsistency
with what is said in the paragraph at the top of the page versus what
each of the callback sections says wrt optional/mandatory.

The sub-sections,, say those callbacks are
optional which IIUC Amit said is incorrect. This is similar to the
previous review comment


Section "Transaction Rollback Prepared Callback"

parameter "abort_lsn" probably should be "rollback_lsn"


Section "Stream Rollback Prepared Callback"
The stream_rollback_prepared_cb callback is called to abort a
previously streamed transaction as part of a two-phase commit.

maybe should say "is called to rollback"

Patch v10-0001, File: src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c

Line 252
Says: We however enable two phase logical...

"two phase" --> "two-phase"


Line 885
Line 923
Says: If the plugin support 2 phase commits...

"support 2 phase" --> "supports two-phase" in the comment. Same issue
occurs twice.


Line 830
Line 868
Line 906
/* We're only supposed to call this when two-phase commits are  supported */

There is an extra space between the "are" and "supported" in the comment.
Same issue occurs 3 times.


Line 1023
+ /*
+ * Skip if decoding of two-phase at PREPARE time is not enabled. In that
+ * case all two-phase transactions are considered filtered out and will be
+ * applied as regular transactions at COMMIT PREPARED.
+ */

Comment still is missing the word "transactions"
"Skip if decoding of two-phase at PREPARE time is not enabled."
-> "Skip if decoding of two-phase transactions at PREPARE time is not enabled.

Patch v10-0001, File: src/include/replication/reorderbuffer.h

Line 459
/* abort prepared callback signature */
typedef void (*ReorderBufferRollbackPreparedCB) (
 ReorderBuffer *rb,
 ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
 XLogRecPtr abort_lsn);

There is no alignment consistency here for
ReorderBufferRollbackPreparedCB. Some function args are directly under
the "(" and some are on the same line. This function code is neither.


Line 638
@@ -431,6 +486,24 @@ typedef void (*ReorderBufferStreamAbortCB) (
 ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
 XLogRecPtr abort_lsn);

+/* prepare streamed transaction callback signature */
+typedef void (*ReorderBufferStreamPrepareCB) (
+ ReorderBuffer *rb,
+ ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
+ XLogRecPtr prepare_lsn);
+/* prepare streamed transaction callback signature */
+typedef void (*ReorderBufferStreamCommitPreparedCB) (
+ ReorderBuffer *rb,
+ ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
+ XLogRecPtr commit_lsn);
+/* prepare streamed transaction callback signature */
+typedef void (*ReorderBufferStreamRollbackPreparedCB) (
+ ReorderBuffer *rb,
+ ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
+ XLogRecPtr rollback_lsn);

There is no inconsistent alignment with the arguments (compare how
other functions are aligned)

- for ReorderBufferStreamCommitPreparedCB
- for ReorderBufferStreamRollbackPreparedCB
- for ReorderBufferPrepareNeedSkip
- for ReorderBufferTxnIsPrepared
- for ReorderBufferPrepare


Line 489
Line 495
Line 501
/* prepare streamed transaction callback signature */

Same comment cut/paste 3 times?
- for ReorderBufferStreamPrepareCB
- for ReorderBufferStreamCommitPreparedCB
- for ReorderBufferStreamRollbackPreparedCB


Line 457
/* abort prepared callback signature */
typedef void (*ReorderBufferRollbackPreparedCB) (
 ReorderBuffer *rb,
 ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
 XLogRecPtr abort_lsn);

"abort" --> "rollback" in the function comment.


Line 269
/* In case of 2PC we need to pass GID to output plugin */

"2PC" --> "two-phase commit"

Patch v10-0002, File: contrib/test_decoding/expected/two_phase.out (and .sql)


It is a bit hard to see what are the main tests here are what are just
sub-parts of some test case.

e.g. It seems like the main tests are.

1. Test that decoding happens at PREPARE time
2. Test decoding of an aborted tx
3. Test a prepared tx which contains some DDL
4. Test decoding works while an uncommitted prepared tx with DDL exists
5. Test operations holding exclusive locks won't block decoding
6. Test savepoints and sub-transactions
7. Test "_nodecode" will defer the decoding until the commit time

Can the comments be made more obvious so it is easy to distinguish the
main tests from the steps of those tests?


Line 1
-- Test two-phased transactions, when two-phase-commit is enabled,
transactions are
-- decoded at PREPARE time rather than at COMMIT PREPARED time.

Some commas to be removed and this comment to be split into several sentences.


Line 19
-- should show nothing

Comment could be more informative. E.g. "Should show nothing because
the PREPARE has not happened yet"


Line 77

Looks like there is a missing comment about here that should say
something like "Show that the DDL does not appear in the decoding"


Line 160
-- test savepoints and sub-xacts as a result

The subsequent test is testing savepoints. But is it testing sub
transactions like the comment says?

Patch v10-0002, File: contrib/test_decoding/t/001_twophase.pl


I think basically there are only 2 tests in this file.
1. to check that the concurrent abort works.
2. to check that the prepared tx can span a server shutdown/restart

But the tests comments do not make this clear at all.
e.g. All the "#" comments look equally important although most of them
are just steps of each test case.
Can the comments be better to distinguish the tests versus the steps
of each test?

Patch v10-0002, File: src/backend/replication/logical/decode.c

Line 71
static void DecodeCommitPrepared(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx,
XLogRecordBuffer *buf,
 xl_xact_parsed_commit *parsed, TransactionId xid);
static void DecodeAbort(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf,
 xl_xact_parsed_abort *parsed, TransactionId xid);
static void DecodeAbortPrepared(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx,
XLogRecordBuffer *buf,
 xl_xact_parsed_abort *parsed, TransactionId xid);
static void DecodePrepare(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf,
 xl_xact_parsed_prepare * parsed);

The 2nd line or args are not aligned properly.
- for DecodeCommitPrepared
- for DecodeAbortPrepared
- for DecodePrepare

Patch v10-0002, File: src/backend/replication/logical/reorderbuffer.c

There are some parts of the code where in my v6 review I had a doubt
about the mutually exclusive treatment of the "streaming" flag and the
"rbtxn_prepared(txn)" state.

Basically I did not see how some parts of the code are treating NOT
streaming as implying 2PC etc because it defies my understanding that
2PC can also work in streaming mode. Perhaps the "streaming" flag has
a different meaning to how I interpret it? Or perhaps some functions
are guarding higher up and can only be called under certain

Anyway, this confusion manifests in several parts of the code, none of
which was changed after my v6 review.

Affected code includes the following:

Wherever the ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(...) "prepared" flag (third
parameter) is hardwired true/false, I think there must be some
preceding Assert to guarantee the prepared state condition holds true.
There can't be any room for doubts like "but what will it do for
streamed 2PC..."
Line 1805 - ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, true); // if rbtxn_prepared(txn)
Line 1941 - ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, false); // state ??
Line 2389 - ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, false); // if streaming
Line 2396 - ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, true); // if not
streaming and if rbtxm_prepared(txn)
Line 2459 - ReorderBufferTruncateTXN(rb, txn, true); // if not streaming


Wherever the "streaming" flag is tested I don't really understand how
NOT streaming can automatically imply 2PC.
Line 2330 - if (streaming) // what about if it is streaming AND 2PC at
the same time?
Line 2387 - if (streaming) // what about if it is streaming AND 2PC at
the same time?
Line 2449 - if (streaming) // what about if it is streaming AND 2PC at
the same time?


Case 1 and Case 2 above overlap a fair bit. I just listed them so they
all get checked again.

Even if the code is thought to be currently OK I do still think
something should be done like:
a) add some more substantial comments to explain WHY the combination
of streaming and 2PC is not valid in the context
b) the Asserts to be strengthened to 100% guarantee that the streaming
and prepared states really are exclusive (if indeed they are). For
this point I thought the following Assert condition could be better:
Assert(streaming || rbtxn_prepared(txn));
Assert(stream_started  || rbtxn_prepared(txn));
because as it is you still are left wondering if both streaming AND
rbtxn_prepared(txn) can be possible at the same time...


Line 2634
* Anyways, two-phase transactions do not contain any reorderbuffers.

"Anyways" --> "Anyway"

Patch v10-0003, File: src/backend/access/transam/twophase.c

Line 557
@@ -548,6 +548,33 @@ MarkAsPrepared(GlobalTransaction gxact, bool lock_held)

+ * LookupGXact
+ * Check if the prepared transaction with the given GID is around
+ */
+LookupGXact(const char *gid)
+ int i;
+ bool found = false;

The variable declarations (i and found) are not aligned.

Patch v10-0003, File: src/backend/replication/logical/proto.c

Line 125
Line 205
Assert(strlen(txn->gid) > 0);

I suggested that the assertion should also check txn->gid is not NULL.
You replied "In this case txn->gid has to be non NULL".

But that is exactly what I said :-)
If it HAS to be non-NULL then why not just Assert that in code instead
of leaving the reader wondering?

"Assert(strlen(txn->gid) > 0);" --> "Assert(tdx->gid && strlen(txn->gid) > 0);"
Same occurs several times.


Line 133
Line 213
if (rbtxn_commit_prepared(txn))
 else if (rbtxn_rollback_prepared(txn))

Previously I wrote that the use of the bit flags on assignment in the
logicalrep_write_prepare was inconsistent with the way they are
treated when they are read. Really it should be using a direct
assignment instead of bit flags.

You said this is skipped anticipating a possible refactor. But IMO
this leaves the code in a half/half state. I think it is better to fix
it properly and if refactoring happens then deal with that at the

The last comment I saw from Amit said to use my 1st proposal of direct
assignment instead of bit flag assignment.

(applies to both non-stream and stream functions)
- see logicalrep_write_prepare
- see logicalrep_write_stream_prepare

Patch v10-0003, File: src/backend/replication/pgoutput/pgoutput.c

Line 429
 * PREPARE callback
static void
pgoutput_rollback_prepared_txn(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx,
ReorderBufferTXN *txn,
XLogRecPtr prepare_lsn)
The function comment looks wrong.
Shouldn't this comment say be "ROLLBACK PREPARED callback"?

Patch v10-0003, File: src/include/replication/logicalproto.h

Line 115
#define PrepareFlagsAreValid(flags) \
 ((flags == LOGICALREP_IS_PREPARE) || \

Would be safer if all the references to  flags are in parentheses
e.g. "flags" --> "(flags)"


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