On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 9:56 AM Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com> wrote:
> Do you know if the old travis build environment had liblz4 installed ?

It sounds like it.

> I'm asking regarding Dilip's patch, which was getting to "check world" 2 weeks
> ago but now failing to even compile, not apparently due to any change in the
> patch.  Also, are the historic logs available somewhere ?
> http://cfbot.cputube.org/dilip-kumar.html

I can find some of them but not that one, because Travis's "branches"
page truncates well before our ~250 active branches, and that one
isn't in there.


> Also, what's the process for having new libraries installed in the CI
> environment ?

I have added lz4 to the FreeBSD and Ubuntu build tasks, so we'll see
if that helps at the next periodic build or when a new patch is
posted.  It's failing on Windows because there is no HAVE_LIBLZ4 in
Solution.pm, and I don't know how to install that on a Mac.  Is this
patch supposed to be adding a new required dependency, or a new
optional dependency?

In general, you could ask for changes here, or send me a pull request for eg:


If we eventually think the CI control file is good enough, and can get
past the various political discussions required to put CI
vendor-specific material in our tree, it'd be just a regular patch
proposal and could even be tweaked as part of a feature submission.

> There's 3 compression patches going around, so I think eventually we'll ask to
> get libzstd-devel (for libpq and pg_dump) and liblz4-devel (for toast and
> libpq).  Maybe all compression methods would be supported in each place - I
> hope the patches will share common code.

+1, nice to see modern compression coming to PostgreSQL.

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