On 23.01.2021 08:02, Sergey Shinderuk wrote:
I checked the script [1], and it really requires the CLT. Here is the explanation [2] for this:

     There is actually no such requirement. However, there are
     formulae that will be forced to build from source if you do not
     have the CLT. They can still be built from source with Xcode
     only, but because the pre-built bottles are compiled in an
     environment that has both Xcode and the CLT installed, there are
     some cases where the bottles end up having a hard dependency on
     the CLT. A major example is gcc. So installing the CLT may help
     you avoid some lengthy source builds.

     We ensure that all Homebrew formulae can be built with Xcode.app
     alone. Most formulae can be built with just the CLT, and those
     that require the full Xcode.app have an explicit depends_on
     :xcode => :build. Some users would prefer to use only the CLT
     because it's a much smaller download and takes less time to
     install and upgrade than Xcode.

In the gcc formula [1]:

# The bottles are built on systems with the CLT installed, and do not work
  # out of the box on Xcode-only systems due to an incorrect sysroot.
  pour_bottle? do
    reason "The bottle needs the Xcode CLT to be installed."
    satisfy { MacOS::CLT.installed? }

I guess this is the "xcrun --show-sdk-path" thing we've alredy disccussed :)

[1] https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/gcc.rb#L36

Sergey Shinderuk
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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