On 23.01.2021 08:02, Sergey Shinderuk wrote:
On the whole it looks like we should recommend installing the CLT
and not bothering with Xcode, which is about 10X the size:

$ du -hs /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
1.1G    /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
$ du -hs /Applications/Xcode.app
  15G    /Applications/Xcode.app


BTW, Homebrew prefers the CLT SDK:

      # Prefer CLT SDK when both Xcode and the CLT are installed.
      # Expected results:
      # 1. On Xcode-only systems, return the Xcode SDK.
# 2. On Xcode-and-CLT systems where headers are provided by the system, return nil.
      # 3. On CLT-only systems with no CLT SDK, return nil.
# 4. On CLT-only systems with a CLT SDK, where headers are provided by the system, return nil. # 5. On CLT-only systems with a CLT SDK, where headers are not provided by the system, return the CLT SDK.

Here is the relevant discussion:

I like the example of Git compiled against the wrong LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM. Clearly, there are other issues with cross-compiling to a newer SDK, besides autoconf probes and weak imports.

Sergey Shinderuk
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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