Hi Mark,

On Mon, Feb 8, 2021, at 09:40, Mark Rofail wrote:

Nice work!

I have successfully tested both patches against 
by cloning all pg_catalog tables, and adding foreign keys
on all columns, including array columns of course.

Here is what e.g. pg_constraint which has quite a few array oid columns looks 
like with foreign keys:

joel=# \d catalog_clone.pg_constraint
             Table "catalog_clone.pg_constraint"
    Column     |    Type    | Collation | Nullable | Default
oid           | jsonb      |           | not null |
conname       | name       |           |          |
Foreign-key constraints:
    "pg_constraint_conexclop_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (EACH ELEMENT OF conexclop) 
REFERENCES catalog_clone.pg_operator(oid)
    "pg_constraint_conffeqop_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (EACH ELEMENT OF conffeqop) 
REFERENCES catalog_clone.pg_operator(oid)
    "pg_constraint_conpfeqop_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (EACH ELEMENT OF conpfeqop) 
REFERENCES catalog_clone.pg_operator(oid)
    "pg_constraint_conppeqop_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (EACH ELEMENT OF conppeqop) 
REFERENCES catalog_clone.pg_operator(oid)
    "pg_constraint_conrelid_conkey_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (conrelid, EACH ELEMENT OF 
conkey) REFERENCES catalog_clone.pg_attribute(attrelid, attnum)

Here is my test function that adds foreign keys on catalog tables:


If you want to try it yourself, it is run as part of pit's test suite:

    $ git clone https://github.com/truthly/pg-pit.git
    $ cd pg-pit
    $ make
    $ make install
    $ make installcheck

============== running regression test queries ==============
test referential_integrity        ... ok         1925 ms


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