On 15.04.21 13:51, Fabien COELHO wrote:
That's a lot IMO, so my vote would be to discard this feature for now
and revisit it properly in the 15 dev cycle, so as resources are
redirected into more urgent issues (13 open items as of the moment of
writing this email).

I don't wish to tell people which open issues they ought to work on
... but this patch seems like it could be quite a large can of worms,
and I'm not detecting very much urgency about getting it fixed.
If it's not to be reverted then some significant effort needs to be
put into it soon.

My overly naive trust in non regression test to catch any issues has been largely proven wrong. Three key features do not have a single tests. Sigh.

I'll have some time to look at it over next week-end, but not before.

I have reverted the patch and moved the commit fest entry to CF 2021-07.

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