On 2021/05/21 10:39, Masahiko Sawada wrote:
> On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 1:26 PM Masahiro Ikeda <ikeda...@oss.nttdata.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 2021/05/11 13:37, Masahiko Sawada wrote:
>>> I've attached the updated patches that incorporated comments from
>>> Zhihong and Ikeda-san.
>> Thanks for updating the patches!
>> I have other comments including trivial things.
>> a. about "foreign_transaction_resolver_timeout" parameter
>> Now, the default value of "foreign_transaction_resolver_timeout" is 60 secs.
>> Is there any reason? Although the following is minor case, it may confuse 
>> some
>> users.
>> Example case is that
>> 1. a client executes transaction with 2PC when the resolver is processing
>> FdwXactResolverProcessInDoubtXacts().
>> 2. the resolution of 1st transaction must be waited until the other
>> transactions for 2pc are executed or timeout.
>> 3. if the client check the 1st result value, it should wait until resolution
>> is finished for atomic visibility (although it depends on the way how to
>> realize atomic visibility.) The clients may be waited
>> foreign_transaction_resolver_timeout". Users may think it's stale.
>> Like this situation can be observed after testing with pgbench. Some
>> unresolved transaction remains after benchmarking.
>> I assume that this default value refers to wal_sender, archiver, and so on.
>> But, I think this parameter is more like "commit_delay". If so, 60 seconds
>> seems to be big value.
> IIUC this situation seems like the foreign transaction resolution is
> bottle-neck and doesn’t catch up to incoming resolution requests. But
> how foreignt_transaction_resolver_timeout relates to this situation?
> foreign_transaction_resolver_timeout controls when to terminate the
> resolver process that doesn't have any foreign transactions to
> resolve. So if we set it several milliseconds, resolver processes are
> terminated immediately after each resolution, imposing the cost of
> launching resolver processes on the next resolution.

Thanks for your comments!

No, this situation is not related to the foreign transaction resolution is
bottle-neck or not. This issue may happen when the workload has very few
foreign transactions.

If new foreign transaction comes while the transaction resolver is processing
resolutions via FdwXactResolverProcessInDoubtXacts(), the foreign transaction
waits until starting next transaction resolution. If next foreign transaction
doesn't come, the foreign transaction must wait starting resolution until
timeout. I mentioned this situation.

Thanks for letting me know the side effect if setting resolution timeout to
several milliseconds. I agree. But, why termination is needed? Is there a
possibility to stale like walsender?

>> b. about performance bottleneck (just share my simple benchmark results)
>> The resolver process can be performance bottleneck easily although I think
>> some users want this feature even if the performance is not so good.
>> I tested with very simple workload in my laptop.
>> The test condition is
>> * two remote foreign partitions and one transaction inserts an entry in each
>> partitions.
>> * local connection only. If NW latency became higher, the performance became
>> worse.
>> * pgbench with 8 clients.
>> The test results is the following. The performance of 2PC is only 10%
>> performance of the one of without 2PC.
>> * with foreign_twophase_commit = requried
>> -> If load with more than 10TPS, the number of unresolved foreign 
>> transactions
>> is increasing and stop with the warning "Increase
>> max_prepared_foreign_transactions".
> What was the value of max_prepared_foreign_transactions?

Now, I tested with 200.

If each resolution is finished very soon, I thought it's enough because
8clients x 2partitions = 16, though... But, it's difficult how to know the
stable values.

> To speed up the foreign transaction resolution, some ideas have been
> discussed. As another idea, how about launching resolvers for each
> foreign server? That way, we resolve foreign transactions on each
> foreign server in parallel. If foreign transactions are concentrated
> on the particular server, we can have multiple resolvers for the one
> foreign server. It doesn’t change the fact that all foreign
> transaction resolutions are processed by resolver processes.

Awesome! There seems to be another pros that even if a foreign server is
temporarily busy or stopped due to fail over, other foreign server's
transactions can be resolved.

> Apart from that, we also might want to improve foreign transaction
> management so that transaction doesn’t end up with an error if the
> foreign transaction resolution doesn’t catch up with incoming
> transactions that require 2PC. Maybe we can evict and serialize a
> state file when FdwXactCtl->xacts[] is full. I’d like to leave it as a
> future improvement.

Oh, great! I didn't come up with the idea.

Although I thought the feature makes difficult to know the foreign transaction
is resolved stably, DBAs can check "pg_foreign_xacts" view now and it's enough
to output the situation of foreign transactions are spilled to the log.

>> * with foreign_twophase_commit = disabled
>> -> 122TPS in my environments.
> How much is the performance without those 2PC patches and with the
> same workload? i.e., how fast is the current postgres_fdw that uses
> XactCallback?

OK, I'll test.

>> c. v36-0001-Introduce-transaction-manager-for-foreign-transa.patch
>> * typo: s/tranasction/transaction/
>> * Is it better to move AtEOXact_FdwXact() in AbortTransaction() to before "if
>> (IsInParallelMode())" because make them in the same order as 
>> CommitTransaction()?
> I'd prefer to move AtEOXact_FdwXact() in CommitTransaction after "if
> (IsInParallelMode())" since other pre-commit works are done after
> cleaning parallel contexts. What do you think?

OK, I agree.

Masahiro Ikeda

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