Hello Tom,

So I'm not very confident that the noise will go away quickly, sorry.

Could you please just shut down the animal until that's dealt with?

Hmmm… Obviously I can.

However, please note that the underlying logic of "a test is failing, let's just remove it" does not sound right to me at all:-(

The test is failing because there is a problem, and shuting down the test to improve a report does not in any way help to fix it, it just helps to hide it.

It's extremely unpleasant to have to root through a lot of useless

I do not understand how they are useless. Pg does not work properly with current LLVM, and keeps on not working. I think that this information is worthy, even if I do not like it and would certainly prefer a quick fix.

to find the ones that might be of interest. Right now serinus and seawasp are degrading this report nearly to uselessness:


IMHO, the report should be improved, not the test removed.

If you insist I will shut down the animal, bit I'd prefer not to.

I think that the reminder has value, and just because some report is not designed to handle this nicely does not seem like a good reason to do that.


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