
Minimally for PSQL_WATCH_PAGER, the pager should exit after some time, but
before it has to repeat data reading. Elsewhere the psql will hang.

Sure. The "pager.pl" script I sent exits after reading a few lines.

can be solution to use special mode for psql, when psql will do write to
logfile and redirect to file instead using any (simplified) pager?

I do not want a special psql mode, I just would like "make check" to tell me if I broke the PSQL_WATCH_PAGER feature after reworking the multi-results patch.

Theoretically, there is nothing special on usage of pager, and just you can
test redirecting to file.

I do not follow. For what I seen the watch pager feature is somehow a little different, and I'd like to be sure I'm not breaking anything.

For your information, pspg does not seem to like being fed two results

  sh> PSQL_WATCH_PAGER="pspg --stream"
  psql> SELECT NOW() \; SELECT RANDOM() \watch 1

The first table is shown, the second seems ignored.


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