it can be a fully new format - designed for simple copy from terminal. Some

====== record: 10 ======
------------ proname ------------
------------ prosrc  ------------

no, it was proposed for psql

How is this better than "copy (...) to stdout"? E.g.:

$ copy (select * from pg_class limit 1) to stdout;
2619    pg_statistic    11      12016   0       10      2       2619    0       
18      402     18      2840    t       f       p       r       31      0       
f       f       f       f       f       t       n       f0      478     1       
{postgres=arwdDxt/postgres}     \N      \N

You can still copy the necessary parts (using mouse selection) -
seems that it achieves the the same goal.

Best regards,
Platon Pronko

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