On Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 03:06:54PM +0200, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> On 8/5/21 8:39 AM, Andrey Borodin wrote:
> >>...
> >>
> >>Early commitfests recognized a rule that patch authors owed one review per
> >>patch registered in the commitfest.  If authors were holding to that, then
> >>both submissions and reviews would slow during vacations, but the neglected
> >>fraction of the commitfest would be about the same.  I think it would help 
> >>to
> >>track each author's balance (reviews_done - reviews_owed).
> >
> >+1 for tracking this.
> Yeah, I agree we should be stricter about this rule, but I'm somewhat
> skeptical about tracking it in the CF app - judging patch and review
> complexity seems quite subjective, etc.

The CF app presently lacks the data to track this, but with relevant feature
additions, I suspect it would be the best place to manage tracking.  Something
like this: when a CF app user changes a patch status from Needs Review or
Ready for Committer to anything else, invite that user to name a recipient of
review credit.

> >BTW when review is done? When first revision is published? Or when patch is 
> >committed\rollbacked?
> >When the review is owed? At the moment when patch is submitted? Or when it 
> >is committed?

Those are important questions.  Here are answers that feel reasonable to me,
but they may need refinement.  Anyone can increase their reviews_done by
sending a review that causes a patch to leave Needs Review status in the CF
app for the first time in a given commitfest.  Trivial defect reports,
e.g. that the patch doesn't compile, are not reviews; the person setting
Waiting on Author shall not assign review credit.  Committers can increase
their reviews_done by sending a review that causes a patch to leave Ready for
Committer status for the first time in a given commitfest; however, nobody
receives two credits for the same patch, in the same commitfest.  Whenever a
CF entry is increasing someone's reviews_done, it also increases reviews_owed
for the entry's author.  What do you think?

(Consequences: each CF entry can increment reviews_done of up to two users per
commitfest, but it increments reviews_owed just once.  If the patch bounces
between Needs Review and Waiting on Author several times in a single CF, that
counts as a total of one review.)

> I think the rule is roughly that when you submit a patch to a CF, you're
> expected to review a patch of comparable complexity in the same CF. It's not
> tied to whether the patch is committed, etc.

Yep.  Would we get reasonable incentives without tracking "comparable
complexity" explicitly?  That bit is harder to judge.

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