> 30 сент. 2021 г., в 09:47, Bossart, Nathan <bossa...@amazon.com> написал(а):
> The attached patch is a first try at adding alternatives for
> archive_command
Looks like an interesting alternative design.

> I tested the sample archive_command in the docs against the sample
> archive_library implementation in the patch, and I saw about a 50%
> speedup.  (The archive_library actually syncs the files to disk, too.)
> This is similar to the improvement from batching.
Why test sample agains sample? I think if one tests this agains real archive 
tool doing archive_status lookup and ready->done renaming results will be much 

> Of course, there are drawbacks to using an extension.  Besides the
> obvious added complexity of building an extension in C versus writing
> a shell command, the patch disallows changing the libraries without
> restarting the server.  Also, the patch makes no effort to simplify
> error handling, memory management, etc.  This is left as an exercise
> for the extension author.
I think the real problem with extension is quite different than mentioned above.
There are many archive tools that already feature parallel archiving. 
PgBackrest, wal-e, wal-g, pg_probackup, pghoard, pgbarman and others. These 
tools by far outweight tools that don't look into archive_status to parallelize 
And we are going to ask them: add also a C extension without any feasible 
benefit to the user. You only get some restrictions like system restart to 
enable shared library.

I think we need a design that legalises already existing de-facto standard 
features in archive tools. Or event better - enables these tools to be more 
efficient, reliable etc. Either way we will create legacy code from the scratch.


Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

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