At 12:55 02/02/01 -0400, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
>On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Peter T Mount wrote:
> > When did the MONEY type change it's output format?
> >
> > While working on the JDBC test suite, Money broke. It seems to output:
> > $10.99
> > ($10.99) for negative values
> >
> > While since ages past, the PGMoney class interprets it as a number (no
> > currency symbol).
>Looking over at Thomas and asking him, his recollection is that it always
>had the currency symbol ... but he's not 100% certain about that ...
>Can you confirm with the 7.0.3 server?

As I just said to Mitch (who tested against 6.4 and it had the currency 
symbol) no one must use Money via JDBC as no one's found it before. The 
PGMoney class dates from the 6.2/6.3 days so it might date back that far. 
I'll fix it anyhow.


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