Neil Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> One approach would be to essentially implement the pg_bulkloader
> approach inside the backend. That is, begin by doing a subtransaction
> for every k rows (with k = 1000, say). If you get any errors, then
> either repeat the process with k/2 until you locate the individual
> row(s) causing the trouble, or perhaps just immediately switch to k = 1.
> Fairly ugly though, and would be quite slow for data sets with a high
> proportion of erroneous data.

You could make it self-tuning, perhaps: initially, or after an error,
set k = 1, and increase k after a successful set of rows.

> Another approach would be to distinguish between errors that require a
> subtransaction to recover to a consistent state, and less serious errors
> that don't have this requirement (e.g. invalid input to a data type
> input function). If all the errors that we want to tolerate during a
> bulk load fall into the latter category, we can do without
> subtransactions.

I think such an approach is doomed to hopeless unreliability.  There is
no concept of an error that doesn't require a transaction abort in the
system now, and that doesn't seem to me like something that can be
successfully bolted on after the fact.  Also, there's a lot of
bookkeeping (eg buffer pins) that has to be cleaned up regardless of the
exact nature of the error, and all those mechanisms are hung off

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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