On Thu, 27 Dec 2007, Stephen Frost wrote:

Debian also has SELinux, if one wishes to configure it. I suspect other Debian-derived distributions also have it as a result. It can certainly be a pain to configure but it's far from impossible

That's a good summary. As of Debian Etch (April of this year) the base distribution now include enough SELinux compatible userland packages for the fundamental utilities (ssh, svsvinit, pam, cron, some others) that you don't have to run around hacking a set of patches anymore just to get the base system working.

There is also a Hardened Gentoo with SELinux. The most notable distribution where SELinux support is seriously dead is SuSE.

RHEL/Fedora are the only distributions where SELinux is taken seriously enough that most packages/daemons are patched and have policies setup in a useful state out of the box. But with some work you can customize a reasonable setup on some other distributions.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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