The problem with forcing authentication is that an auth-unaware client connecting to a legitimate postmaster would have its connections refused. That same client would have its connections accepted by an impostor postmaster. Thus, there is no way to stop impostor postmasters from carrying out these attacks on auth-unaware clients.

The proper solution, as I see it, would be to have an authentication system in the postmaster that was not enforced. If the client requests authentication, postmaster will provide it, if not, then postmaster will connect normally without it. This would not result in *any* change in the default behavior of postmaster, and as far as users who don't want to use it are concerned, they don't even need to bother to turn it off (assuming that having it turned on does not consume extra resources and I don't think having an unused authentication mechanism sitting in the postmaster connection establishment routine would).

This does not appear to result in greater security, however it does. It allows DBAs who suspect that they are likely going to be the target of these attacks to deploy authentication procedures in their client packages. This could be a modification to their applications, or whatever steps are necessary to mandate authenticated connections within their organization.

There is no point forcing some auth mechanism within postmaster, as attackers would simply catch users using software that did not require the server to auth before sending passwords. For this reason it is not postmaster's responsibility to check that unknown clients do not connect to impostors, it is postmaster's responsibility however to authenticate itself, if the client asks for it. So the onus (rightfully in my opinion) falls upon network administrators / DBAs to ensure that all of their users are using auth-enabled client packages which will not allow connections to be established with a postmaster until authentication has passed, and disallow the use of other client software to connect to postmaster.

In my view, this puts the security responsibility where it rightfully belongs *and* maintains a non-breaking of client packages in the wild. Making a server or anything that *requires* auth and disallows non-authed clients is pointless, as there is nothing stopping attackers from setting up an auth-disabled impostor and waiting for someone to just connect using psql or some other vanilla connection method. The onus really ought to be with the administrators who give their users the software they use to connect to ensure that the software they use adheres to the relevant security policy, in the same way that its their responsibility to ensure that the client software does not contain keyloggers and other such trashware.

In the web world, it is the client's responsibility to ensure that they check the SSL cert and don't do their banking at and there is nothing that the real banking site can do to stop them using their malware infested PC to connect to the phishing site. They can only provide a site that provides authentication. This is analogous to postmaster: It is only the responsibility of postmaster to provide the option of authentication, it is the client's responsibility to know if they should use it, and if so, to ensure they do so properly.


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