Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 14:40:29 -0500 (EST)
Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Getting that to work required some obtrusive changes to the source
code, which they've only done to 8.2.4. Even that doesn't seem to be production-quality and it's not clear how that will make its way into newer versions yet.

"they've" has the potential to be "we"... As I recall the individual
made a reasonable effort to introduce the work that he was doing to the

If my memory is correct, the alpha implementation was announced after
the feature freeze date of 8.3.
# Sorry for my lacking of understanding for PostgreSQL development processes.

Therefore, Tom suggested this kind of discussion should be restarted
after the release of 8.3. I also agreed it.

 But unless
there's somebody else with a burning need to work on this area I
doubt that will happen--there's nothing about SELinux that anybody
does just for fun.

Ya think? :P

I recognize that this "SE PGSQL" has the potential to be a portability
nightmare (as it only works on linux) but it certainly has potential to
give us a leg up on a lot of work.

Yes, it works only on Linux.
I added --enable-selinux build option into the configure script.
It prevent to enable SE-PostgreSQL feature on any other plathomes.

Anyway, not saying its good code but I did read the docs and it sure
looks cool.

OSS Platform Development Division, NEC

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