I'm trying to do some data recovery on an 8.1.9 system.  The brief history is 
the system crashed, attempted to do xlog replay but that failed.   I did a 
pg_resetxlog to get something that would startup, and it looks as if the 
indexes on pg_class have become corrupt. (ie. reindex claimes duplicate rows, 
which do not show up when doing count() manipulations on the data).  As it 
turns out, I can't drop these indexes either (system refuses with message 
indexes are needed by the system).  This has kind of let the system in an 
unworkable state.  

I've tried to do a pg_dump, but get schema with OID 96568 does not exist 
error.  The database has a number (~100) temp schemas in it, so I was 
suspecting that the problem was with some object referencing a temp schema 
with broken dependencies, but I looked through pg_depend for any referencing 
objects but found none. I also looked through  pg_type, pg_proc, pg_class, 
pg_constraint, pg_operator, pg_opclass, pg_conversion at their respective 
*namespace fields and also found no matches.   Any suggestions on what else 
might cause this, or how to get past it?  

I also did some digging to find the original error on xlog replay and it 
was  "failed to re-find parent key in "763769" for split pages 21032/21033". 
I'm wondering if this is actually something you can push past with 
pg_resetxlog, or if I need to do a pg_resetxlog and pass in values prior to 
that error point (i guess essentially letting pg_resetxlog do a lookup)... 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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