On Wednesday 06 February 2008 13:56, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Robert Treat wrote:
> > it looks as if the indexes on pg_class have become corrupt. (ie. reindex
> > claimes duplicate rows, which do not show up when doing count()
> > manipulations on the data).  As it turns out, I can't drop these indexes
> > either (system refuses with message indexes are needed by the system). 
> > This has kind of let the system in an unworkable state.
> You can work out of it by starting a standalone server with system
> indexes disabled (postgres -O -P, I think) and do a REINDEX on it (the
> form of it that reindexes all system indexes -- I think it's REINDEX

Sorry, I should have mentioned I tried the above was under postgres -d 
1 -P -O -D /path/to/data, but the reindex complains (doing reindex directly 
on the pg_class indexes, or doing reindex system).  

Personally I was surprised to find out it wouldn't let me drop the indexes 
under this mode,  but thats a different story.  Oh, probably worth noting I 
am able to reindex other system tables this way, just not pg_class. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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