On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Magnus Hagander wrote:

Is it technically possible to set permissions on a per-page basis?

Technically possible? Of course. It's sure not easy to do, though; the Mediawiki team considers having any real ACL structure added onto their code a non-feature and last time I checked you had to patch the source.

I'd say it's really more trouble than it's worth here. It's not like the developer site is open to the whole world or something. The number of people capable of noticing and reverting bad changes in a critical, popular page vastly outnumbers those likely to do something stupid (with all the stuff I've done on the developer's wiki I don't think I've had to revert a change bigger than a grammatical error so far).

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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