James Mansion wrote:
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
conversion process themselves. Accepting random input puts a performance
hit on everybody following the standard.
Why is that necessarily the case?

Why not have a liberal parser and a configurable switch that determines whether non-standard forms are liberally accepted, accepted with a logged warning, or rejected?

I recall there being a measurable performance difference between the most liberal parser, and the most optimized parser, back when I wrote one for PostgreSQL. I don't know how good the one in use for PostgreSQL 8.3 is. As to whether the cost is noticeable to people or not - that depends on what they are doing. The problem is that a UUID is pretty big, and parsing it liberally means a loop.

My personal opinion is that this is entirely a philosophical issue, and that both sides have merits. There is no reason for PostgreSQL to support all formats, not matter how non-standard, for every single type. So, why would UUID be special? Because it's easy to do is not necessarily a good reason. But then, it's not a bad reason either.



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