Pavan Deolasee wrote:
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Mark Mielke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 If you are talking about automatically doing this for every table - I
 have an objection that the performance impact seems unwarranted against
 the gain. We are still talking about every insert or update updating
 some counter table, with the only mitigating factor being that the
 trigger would be coded deeper into PostgreSQL theoretically making it

No, I am not suggesting that. If you read proposal carefully, its one UPDATE
per transaction. With HOT, I am hoping that the counter table may be
completely cached in memory and won't bloat much.

Also, we can always have a GUC (like pgstats) to control the overhead.

Fine - once per transaction instead of once per insert. Still, if there is overhead to this (updating a secondary summary table), does it really make sense to have it for every table? Most of my tables do not require count(*) on the whole table (actually - none of them do). For the same reason as I don't want oid, I don't think I would want "fast count" capabilities to impact my regular queries. Again, I don't think count(*) on the whole table is a particularly useful case. count(*) on particular subsets of the data may be, but of the whole table?

If you can make a secondary summary table to be used for count(*) optional, great. If using HOT makes the secondary table more efficient, great.



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