So if I write

conn.prepareStatement("select col from table where col like ?")

then setString(1,'hello%')

The driver will do

prepare foo as select col from table where col like $1

and then

execute foo('hello%')

this will take advantage of the strategy automatically ?

If so this should be changed. The driver does this all the time.


On 1-Apr-08, at 10:06 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Dave Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Was the driver ever changed to take advantage of the above strategy?

Well, it's automatic as long as you use the unnamed statement.  About
all that might need to be done on the client side is to use unnamed
statements more often in preference to named ones, and I believe that
something like that did get done in JDBC.

                        regards, tom lane

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