Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

well what about having the tracker being subscribed to the list and let it create a bug/patch/ticket id automatically for new mails - that way all stuff is automatically tracked ? - That way it can be categorized in the course of the following discussion but no history gets lost.

This is (more or less) what the Tracman system proposed by Josh Drake
does -- and it's awful IMHO.  Amusingly, it's also more or less the same
thing that debbugs does, which IMHO is really good.

The main difference (again IMHO) is that Tracman tries to stuff the info
in Trac comments, so it has to forcefully extract things from the email
with rather poor results; whereas debbugs uses the mbox itself as the
definite storage.

Note that neither are really "subscribed" to the lists; rather they are
some sort of gatekeepers, which process the email *before* they get to
the list.  (Actually, AFAIK in debbugs there is no actual mail list --
it's all mainly about appropriate CC's.)

The issue frankly is not tracker features. The issue is who is going to maintain it, doing pruning and triage as necessary. No tracker looks after itself.

Everybody has their favorite tracker (editor, OS, SCM, ...) ... we can have endless fun debating them backwards and forwards and never reach a conclusion, just as we do fairly regularly. The consensus last year among a group of us who examined a number of tracker systems was, IIRC, that Bugzilla had the best combination of features that people had requested. (And it does have some email interaction). Stefan Kaltenbrunner did some work on putting up a test instance and played with integrating it with the Postgres bug system - I forget how far exactly he got.

My understanding BTW is that debbugs is very specifically tailored to Debian needs, and is not suitable as a general purpose tracker system. And no other OSS project that we could find uses it. So, before we even look at it again I at least would want concrete proof that these things have changed. (Perhaps Alvaro has forgotten those discussions ;-) )

(And yes, Trac sucks)



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