"Brendan Jurd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In Trac, if I just want to loosely associate several tickets together
> I'd use *keywords*, e.g., put "index am" in the keywords list for
> several tickets, and then they'll show up prominently when I search
> for those terms.

Assuming you know what to search for, of course ...

> If I want something more structured I'd use a *milestone*.  I'd create
> an "Index AM" milestone and attach all the relevant tickets to it.
> Then I can easily pull up a report of all open tickets on the Index AM
> milestone (or all closed tickets, or all tickets regardless of status,
> or all tickets assigned to me, or all tickets not assigned to anyone
> yet, or ...)

Yeah, you can do all that in bugzilla too (Red Hat uses tracking bugs
to such an extent that I think they outnumber the plain bugs :-().
It still pretty much sucks for what I want, which is to easily see an
overview of what's in the commit-fest queue organized in some helpful

In any case, this still sounds like forcing our problem to fit the tool.

                        regards, tom lane

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