On Saturday 19 April 2008 20:14, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > I'm not against shortening the banner.  What I'm against is turning this
> > thing into a camel (a horse designed by a committee).  We should take
> > one approach or the other one, not both.
> O.k. that makes sense. I have zero desire to take away from the work
> that Peter did. However, I see less use of the .psqlrc and I find it
> more likely that a shortened default banner would be beneficial. *shrug*

Maybe we should add an additional paragraph to the psql welcome message:

"You can shorten or eliminate this welcome banner by modifying your .psqlrc 
file and setting the WELCOME_MESSAGE to either "terse" or "none".  For more 
information on the .psqlrc file and it's available options, please see the 
postgresql documentation".

This would provide even more help for newbies, and encourage people to learn 
about the .psqlrc file. :-)

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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