On 01/05/2008, Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Further, I've asked the TrustedSolaris folks to take a look at KaiGai's
>  implementation to see if it was "generic" enough for them to build on as a
>  test of whether SE-Postgres was too specific to SE-Linux; the answer has
>  been a tentative "yes, it's generic".

>  So it would be much better to have this functionality be "mainstream"
>  rather than a fork.  If it does get bounced, please do it becuase of code
>  quality and not because "nobody is asking for this".

Not a hacker, just a curious reader ... are there equivalent frameworks
for the other supported platforms?  E.g. MacOS, *BSD, Windows? Are
the similarities between those (if they exist) close enough not to introduce
a maintenance nightmare?


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