
leiyonghua wrote:
./configure --enable-replication
make & make install

You certainly also want --enable-debug and --enable-cassert, maybe also additional flags for the C compiler, like -DRMGR_DEBUG, please check the source code for these.

4. install the GCS ensemble, according the document : http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/dsl/projects/Ensemble/doc.html

5. start ensemble daemon and gossip if neccessary ( yes, make sure the two nodes can 'GCS' each other)

Yeah, either use the gossip process, or make sure IP multicast works for your network configuration. I admit that ensemble is quite a beast WRT compilation and configuration.

3. Assume that you have two nodes, start up postgresql and create a database 'db', and create a table 'tb' for testing which should be have a primary key for all nodes.

4. At the origin node, execute the command at psql console:
alter database db start replication in group gcs;
(which means the database 'db' is the origin and the group 'gcs' is the GCS group name)

5. At the subscriber node, execute the command:
alter database db accept replication from group gcs;

As recovery doesn't work automatically, you still need to sync the complete database from the node which initiated the replication group. Then accept replication.

I'm working on automatic recovery.


Markus Wanner

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