
K, Niranjan (NSN - IN/Bangalore) wrote:
> Thanks for the information.
> For Step5 (starting ensemble daemon).- 
> I set the multicast address to both nodes (Node 1& Node 2 eth0:  
> before starting the ensemble. And started the server application mtalk in 
> node 1 & node 2 and then client application in node 1 & node 2. But the count 
> of members ('nmembers') show as 1. This is the output of the client program 
> 'c_mtalk'. Seeing this, I'am assuming that the applications are not merged.

This sounds like IP multicast does not work properly for your network
(is IP multicast available and enabled for your OS? Maybe you are
running on virtual hosts with a virtual network, which doesn't support
multicasting?). You can either try to fix that or switch to using a
gossip process.


Markus Wanner

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